
Bullying Awareness: Heartfelt Books for Youth

That's exactly what you're in for with Marshall, a one-horned adolescent goat with a lot of ideas and misguided energy. Marshall the Billy goat, with his spirited temperament and endless imagination, has earned his notorious nickname "Bully Goat" by consistently exhibiting his penchant for mischief and unkindness towards other animals residing on the peaceful farmstead.

His shenanigans continue in the second book, Marshall the Circus Goat, as he enjoys working as a clown in a traveling circus that sets up across the blacktop road from the farm.  Though the circumstances change, he continues his bully goat ways, through his interactions of the circus clowns and exotic circus animals. 

As Marshall embarks on a journey of discovery, he begins to experience a transformative shift in his understanding of genuine friendship and compassion, all thanks to the patient and affectionate farm animal family. Join the Adventure!

New Release

Introducing the third installment in the Marshall series, Marshall the Daddy Goat published in  2024.  This book finds Marshall finds himself daddy to a set of goat triplets, who aspire to their daddy’s bully goat reputation.  Will they succeed, or will Marshall teach them the better way of interacting with others? 

Readers will have to wait and see!

Our Readers. 

Children Reading Marshall The Bully Goat
Children Reading Marshall The Bully Goat
Children Reading Marshall The Bully Goat
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