Where is my Christmas Spirit; why does it go away?
I'm told that I should keep it with me every single day.
It isn't in the stockings or hanging on the tree.
I know I didn't wrap it up, but where else could it be?
I know that I should have it; I hope I find it soon.
For Christmas is a-comin, and I'm still out of toon.
I've got to get my cards addressed; I need to bake a pie.
There are so many things to do; why should I even try?
But wait, I see the baby; he's in the manger scene.
With Mary, Joseph, Shepherds and kings; and a little angel that sings.
Look at how sweetly he seems to sleep, in his tiny manger bed.
It stirs up something in my heart, and memories in my head.
I haven't lost the spirit; I just packed it away.
Thank you, Lord, for reminding me, of the Christ in Christmas day.
I'll keep this baby out all year, from my sight it will not part.
I haven't lost the spirit, it was right here, in my heart.
Diane Goold, 2014
Treasured Words of God, page 168
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