
Stories For All Ages

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Diane Goold: Books for All Ages

Welcome to the enchanting world of Diane Goold, where imagination meets education! As a devoted teacher, writer, minister and philanthropist, Diane pours her heart into creating spiritual, scripture based devotions books;  infant to preschool endearing animal rhyming books; and captivating elementary school fiction, centered around the character of a self-proclaimed bully goat named Marshall. With a touch of love and a sprinkle of entertainment, she crafts stories that inspire, educate, and entertain young minds her readers from infants to adults.  Join us on this incredible journey as we embark on a magical adventure through the pages of former classroom teacher Diane Goold's captivating books..

Welcome to the enchanting world of Diane Goold, where imagination meets education! As a devoted teacher, writer, and philanthropist, Diane pours her heart into creating spiritual devotions books, preschool treasures, and captivating elementary school fiction. With a touch of love and a sprinkle of entertainment, she crafts stories that inspire, educate, and entertain young minds. Join us on this incredible journey as we embark on a magical adventure through the pages of Diane Goold's captivating books.

Dive Into Diane's Works

New Release

Marshall the Billy goat visits to the zoo and meets a group of zoo animals that ride around the zoo in a red convertible. How much mischief can Marshall and his new friends get into?

Join Marshall and his kids on their adventures, both n-n-nice and n-n-naughty.

Marshall The Circus Goat

About Author Diane Goold

A Passion For Inspiring Souls

Wathena's Beloved Wordsmith

The Magic of Spiritual Devotions

Whimsical Tales For Young Hearts

More About Diane Goold

Where does Diane get her inspiration?

Diane gets her inspiration from the most unexpected places - like when she was embroidering a quilt and the characters of Zippy Zoo Friends magically came to life!

Zippy Zoo Friends Inspiration Quilt

Connect with Diane


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